Thursday, September 27, 2012

New School Year...New Materials to Use!!!

Last year, our PCL - Math Committee determined that we needed to streamline our math strategies and teaching/learning techniques.  After much discussion and evaluation, we determined that one way to do that would be to incorporate some of Kim Sutton's teaching material and activities into our lessons.
This summer, our district provided a training by Kim Sutton (math guru) for our elementary teachers.  I unfortunately missed that specific training since I was teaching summer school, but I did go to CAMT, a 3 Day Math Conference, and sat in on many of her sessions.  

During In-Service Week, we were given new CDs, activity books and math manipulatives to use in our classrooms this year for with Kim Sutton's curriculum.  I have really enjoyed adding it to my daily routine and I can already tell the kids love it!

Though the Math Committee has not yet met, I have still been thinking about my Action Research project and the things I will be looking at this year.  I am especially interested in seeing how our students are performing on the Content Based Assessment (CBA) tests that the district is providing to all 9 campuses this year.  The district wide tests will be one type of data that I will be collecting and evaluating during this research project.

I will have more once we schedule a Math Committee meeting and each grade level begins taking the CBAs.